According to the EU Progress Report from 2019, on local level, there is no systematic mechanism for monitoring of cases of former radical entities whereas systematic mechanisms are needed to monitor terrorist fighters once returned to the country and served their penalty. This is of particular concern, as experience has shown that youth are particularly vulnerable to the radical narratives. The contextual challenges that support potential youth radicalization are present: high level of unemployment (especially youth); decrepit infrastructure especially in rural areas; insufficient communication among different ethnic groups despite peaceful situation in the country; traditional communities which are often prey to radical narratives; hate speech and fake news influencing youth. There are multiple challenges related to prevention and combating against violent extremism and terrorism, often related to returning of foreign terrorist fighters or influenced residents. CSOs are slowly beginning to recognize the risks from violent extremism, as well as those CSOs working with the youth. But, despite the legal opportunity, the varying introduced forms of local prevention councils (LPC), community action teams (CAT) or -community working groups (CWG) are still not operationalized or effective in bringing together the government, local leaders and experts in finding solutions to the potential of radicalizations of the youth, on local level. Few CSOs develop positive community actions that aim at countering violent extremism narratives; thus, many cases of radicalization may be under the radar, despite the position of the CSOs to serve as red-flaggers to national security entities. The population itself is generally unfamiliar with individuals or groups that are later exposed as having radical influence, which shows the need for a cross-sector cooperation of (local) government, CSOs and experts, especially due to the CSOs close contact with the youth. As a specific group, the youth often are exposed to problematic information, especially in the social media, and this is one area of concern that is often, in our country, less addressed, despite gradual introduction of stricter rules against fake news or cybercriminal. Youth are unfamiliar with the danger of “radical influence” and often become their prey. This is present in communities where there is absence of community initiatives for engagement of youth in positive actions in areas of art, culture, music or socio-economic activities.


Overall objective

The overall objective of the project “Youth Civic Education Platform for Countering Radicalization (Youth Counter)” of which this contract will be a part is as follows: The overall objective of the action is enhancing the capacity of local civil society for building resilience against radicalization of youth population in N. Macedonia. The specific objective of the action is to develop a civic education platform for youth, designing civic education motivated counter-narratives and alternative narratives, as a means for prevention of youth radicalization.


The purpose of this contract is selection of a Communication and visibility expert for developing of Communication Strategy and monthly communication plan for visibility actions of the project. The activities will be centered on:

  • Purpose 1: To develop a Communication Strategy with monthly communication plan

Results to be achieved by the contractor:

  1. Support to Communication Strategy preparation
  2. Developed Communication Strategy with monthly communicational plan for visibility actions of the project.



Description of the assignment

The assignment to be undertaken is defined under Visibility actions BL 5.8.5 Communication strategy. The selected expert will have the responsibility to develop a Communication strategy that includes a communication monthly plan for the project visibility actions.

Target groups

The main target group are wide groups of CSOs working on youth, civic & EU education, prevention of radicalization that may lead to violent extremism & terrorism. The second target group are youth located in municipalities of Skopje, Kumanovo and Struga, which are also final beneficiaries including their families and residents in the areas of municipalities of Skopje, Kumanovo and Struga. The third target group are representatives of local self-governments, secondary schools and community action groups.

Specific work

The following tasks will have to be undertaken by the selected expert:

  • Task 1: Developing of Communication Strategy with monthly communication plan

The communication strategy will manage the visibility and communication channels, messages and aims of the Project, towards different and diverse groups of schools, municipalities, cities and youth. The communication strategy will be developed in conjunction with the Project staff and the Project Director will have the main role in its implementation. The activity will be preceding the Media and PR expert that will operationalize part of the communication strategy. The expert will have the responsibility to develop a communication strategy that includes monthly communication plan for the Project purposes. Total of 10 working days are foreseen for this activity.

The expert will have the obligations:

  • To develop a Communication Strategy
  • To develop a monthly communication plan for visibility actions of the project.

Project management

Responsible body

IEP is responsible for developing this Terms of Reference and the tendering documentation for the required service and as a Contracting Authority as well as for inviting selected experts to submit a bid, in accordance to this ToR and will make the selection of the best candidate. Co-applicants: Citizens Association Nexus – Civil Concept, Association for development and activism – Akva, Struga, Center for intercultural dialogue will be responsible to provide proposals for the visibility and transparency of the Action.

Management structure

The project “Youth Civic Education Platform for Countering Radicalization (Youth Counter)” is implemented by Citizens association for democracy – Initiative for European Perspective in partnership with Citizens Association Nexus – Civil Concept, Association for development and activism – Akva, Struga, Center for intercultural dialogue and Community Building Mitrovica, Kosovo. IEP’s Project Director will have the overall responsibility, supported by the co-applicant’s staff.

1.1. Start date & period of implementation of tasks

The intended start month is February 17, 2021 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 15 days.


Key experts

Key expert 1: Communication and visibility actions expert

Qualifications and skills:

  • The expert should have University degree in public relations, marketing, design, communication and visibility or related degrees or at least 5 years of experience in communication and visibility actions;

General professional experience:

  • Proven working experience in promotion and/or communication, and/or visibility actions and/or public relations;
  • Knowledge of (digital) marketing and good understanding of major marketing and social media channels
  • Positive attitude, detail and customer oriented with good multitasking and organizational ability
  • Fluency in English

Specific professional experience:

All experts must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities they take on.


Reporting requirements

The contractor will submit the following supporting documentation in English language through e-mail and in hard copy to the Project Director for the duration of this Contract:

• Final version of Communication strategy and the monthly communicational plan

• Time-Sheet for the expert

Submission and approval of reports

The report referred to above must be submitted to the project manager identified in the contract. The Project Director is responsible for approving the reports.

How to Apply

This application is open for individuals. Individuals should provide the following:

  • CV of the expert
  • Reference list
  • Financial offer (per man-day, total of 10 days); (Own template)

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, e-mail submission process will be also applied for this tender. CV and the required documentation should be sent before 15.02.2021 to the Contracting authority through official e-mail communication to:

Initiative for European Perspective, e-mail:; and Valerija Sokolova-Stojanovska- Project Director, e-mail:


EITHER by post or by courier service, in which case the evidence shall be constituted by the postmark or the date of the deposit slip, to:

Initiative for European Perspective
Address: bul. Vs. Kliment Ohridski 58b/2-4, Centar, 1000 Skopje (Project dedicated office)

OR hand delivered by the participant in person or by an agent directly to the premises of the contracting authority in return for a signed and dated receipt, in which case the evidence shall be constituted by this acknowledgement of receipt, to:

Initiative for European Perspective
Address: bul. Sv. Kliment Ohridski 58b/2-4, Centar, 1000 Skopje (Project dedicated office

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